— layout: post title: Alpha-radioactive isotope detection tagline: " in ventilation air on a nuclear power plant" permalink: /ukraine/zaporizhzha-nuclear-power-plant/alpha-radioactivity.html categories: [PWR, ZNPP] tags: [nuclear_thechnology] —
Registration of low alpha radioactivity on the surface of aerosol analytic filter after transmission of 0.288E+02 cubical meters of outlet ventilation air through it.
An outlet ventilation air aeroslols sedimentation on the surface of analytical filter 0.2E-04 square meters in diameter with a constant flow 20 L/minute during 24 hours and further measurment of its surface pollution by scintillation alpha-detectors.
Each sample has initially alpha radioactivity in the range from 0.8E+00 Bq to 0.17E+01 Bq;
Alpha-radioactivity of each sample has decreased twice in an one hour.
Alpha-radioactivity becomes completely undetectable after 2 days for every sample.
Therefore all these measurments are implemented by the set of 3 different radiometers and they are almost identical in value, it might be considered that this observed phenomenon is truly detection of alpha-particles.
As any free source of information doesn't contain any relevant information about that particular observations, it might be perceived as a new, initially detected phenomenon.
Bear in mind that air in the points of aspiration is a mixture of all outlet ventilation systems of each power unit and fact that most of that systems don't contain alpha-radioactive isotopes in a measurable amount, it might be concluded that on average exist several sources of alpha-active radionucliedes exhausting in several particular points.
0.864E+05 seconds