INIT Intro

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Cultural differences between human population in Western and Eastern Europe due to artificial selection.

Conventional wisdom postulates from the point of view of conditionally free man that, allegedly, all human strive for freedom, slaves are human, so slaves endeavor to find the way to be free.


The only dream of slaves is not freedom or liberty, — they usually don't accustomed to live without strict and primitive orders from their master, can't make right decisions about their life, and doomed to death in misery on freedom.

Theirs impudent wish is slaves possession.

Theirs only dream is to become a master.

The core idea is clear - all humans are equal. Yes, it is. They are equal before when society separate and purpose them. After this adaptation, usually accomplished in a young age, the metamorphosis is so vivid and explicit, in some extraordinary cases it might be even palpable. E.g. unarguably that society cast each member to fit into its requirements.



All biological subjects are mutable and some positive mutations might be observed in the next generations. This is evolution process.

Those spontaneous (or intentional) mutations which increase chances on survival or even flourishing are positive, and cultivating through several generations become characteristic for particular population.


Obviously that Eastern and Western Europe's population has different history.


Widespread concept about Christianity is its initially target audience were slaves, and its the only purpose was to foster submissiveness in them.

Not a secret that the primary dogma in Orthodox Church teaching is a complete deny of life on Earth. It dictates us the only life will be on Heaven and only after than your body is dead. And your soul will live there ethernally.


Medieval witchhunt and mass repression in USSR have a lot in common, but the scale is incomparable. Seems like Stalin deliberately, intentionally and precisely eradicated 2-5% most liberal soviet people, and uproot the idea of freedom in this population for several centuries as minimum.


The pledge of succeeding in closed, autocratic and slave society aren't some eminent qualities or faculties such as literacy, physical strength, experience etc., but loyal, submissive and meek behavior.


Discrepancy in behaviour is a miraculous feature, not a bug.


Due to the bundle of objective reasons
most of the Ukrainians are slaves by their nature.

And it might be noticeable observing their behavior,
the acute distinction among theirs words with theirs actions,
vain and futile attempts to mimic a free people's behavior.